Criminal Defense

Violent Crimes

Crimes like murder, rape, kidnapping, robbery, and aggravated battery are the most serious of all. Violent crimes have the longest prison sentences, including life imprisonment, and, for the most severe crimes, even death. You can be convicted by the public or media without any of the facts. You need an aggressive, experienced criminal lawyer at the outset to speak for you, tell your story, and fight ​for you, for your reputation, your freedom, your future, and your very life.

Felony Crimes

Felony charges are serious crimes. Even though you may be offered probation instead of a prison sentence, many times the conditions which were supposed to rehabilitate you and restore your future, have instead placed a financial noose around your neck. You struggle for years to pay the fine, court costs, and other fees and complete all conditions, with the threat of prison over your head. You need someone who knows the system and will fight against impossible conditions, for your freedom, and for what is best for you.

Drugs with Gun Crime

Police always charge the the crime of Louisiana Revised Statute 14:95 E (Possession of CDS in possession of weapon), in addition to separate drug or unlawful possession of a weapon charges, whenever a gun is located at a scene where drugs are found. A conviction has the harsh consequence of a minimum sentence of 5 years in prison. Janet M. Perrodin has handled these kind of charges for many years as a prosecutor. Her experience will be your best fight for justice.​

Gun Crimes

The state strictly regulates WHO can legally possess a gun, WHERE a firearm can be possessed or carried, and HOW, or in what manner, the gun may be possessed. Penalties are strict. Also, many crimes increase a prison sentence for having or possessing a gun during the commission of certain crimes. These laws are complicated and confusing. I have thirty-two years of experience dealing with gun charges from the prosecution's perspective. I know where weaknesses in these prosecutions are and can help you understand your rights.

Drug Crimes

Drug offenses range from simple drug possession to narcotics distribution, trafficking, and racketeering. Convictions can result in high fines and prison time. A drug case turns on the ability of the prosecution to admit physical evidence (the drugs). Without the drugs, there is no case. You need an experienced search and seizure law attorney who can win the case for you in motions before it even gets to trial. Your attorney also needs to be sensitive to your addiction issues and be able to advocate for substance abuse resources that will give you the best chance for sobriety.


No matter what happened with your criminal charge: refused, dismissed, dismissed after you completed pretrial diversion, or resulted in a conviction, you need to make every effort to have your record of arrest expunged. Your future depends on it. The expungement law is complicated and varies greatly depending on the status of the charge. You need an attorney who knows the law and procedures, understands that your future needs your expungement now, not later, and will promptly complete the process.


Despite being thought of as no big deal, misdemeanors can seriously impact your life in surprising ways. You can be incarcerated in the parish jail for up to a year. You can lose your driving privileges for a while. The monetary obligations of a bond, fine, fees, and court costs can be more than you can afford. Depending on the crime, it could be the basis for charging you with a felony in the future if you commit the crime again. You need an attorney who understands how these relatively minor charges can majorly affect your life and your future and who will vigorously defend against them.

White-Collar Crime

White collar crime is a broad term often used to refer to financial crimes committed by employees, small business owners, or anyone struggling to make ends meet, who are otherwise law-abiding citizens. Investigations tend to be lengthy and secretive. Most of these are financial crimes, such as fraud, embezzlement, and identity theft. If you are under investigation, you need to immediately contact an attorney who can guide you through the complex laws and issues that can impact your company, your personal life, and your freedom.​

College Students

If you are a student at UL, SLCC, or LSU facing a criminal charge, you need a compassionate attorney willing to dedicate the time it takes to fight for your future. Drug offenses, OWI, theft, minor in possession, disturbing the peace, and gun violations are common on college campuses. Many students don’t realize the severity of the consequences. Scholarships, housing, student loans, and the right to attend school may be in jeopardy. You need an experienced attorney to fight for you to graduate with no lasting harm to your future.


Janet M. Perrodin comes from a generational family of veterans. I am forever grateful for our soldiers risking their lives and making the hard sacrifices for my freedom and my country. I know that the stress of returning home with physical, psychological, or emotional trauma while being expected to function as though that trauma never happened can be extremely difficult. If you or your loved one is in trouble with the law or simply needs help getting benefits, I would be honored to help. Call me for a free consultation.

Appeals & Post-Conviction Relief

If you have been convicted and believe mistakes were made in your trial, you can appeal your conviction if you do it timely. Your attorney needs to be experienced with trials to be able to identify all the possible errors that occurred during your trial. If your time limits on filing an appeal have run or if you’ve lost the appeal, you may still be able to challenge your conviction by filing an application for post-conviction relief. Don't wait until it's too late to call Janet M. Perrodin.