Drugs with Gun Crime

Louisiana Revised Statute 14:95 E creates a separate crime, in addition to the drug or weapon charges, whenever a gun is located anywhere at a scene where drugs are found. It doesn't matter that you didn't own the gun that was under the seat and were merely a passenger in the vehicle where drugs were found. You will still be arrested and have to post bond on this charge. This added charge can be more serious than the drug charges because it carries a mandatory prison sentence of 5 - 10 years, which can't be suspended or shortened by parole, and is in addition to the sentence for the drug charges. Police can even arrest you on this charge when the drug was only marijuana, if 14 grams or more were found along with a weapon.

Your attorney must critically evaluate both the evidence against you and the police officers' conduct, to know which elements of the state's case to attack and to skillfully advocate for you in negotiations, motions, and at trial. The charge requires that you intentionally possess both the gun and drugs, and if they are not close to each other, there must be a connection between the two.

I have handled hundreds of these charges and know the law and how to analyze the facts to make the best arguments to beat the charge, for example: you didn't know about the presence of the drugs or the gun; even if you knew, you didn't legally actually or constructively possess one or both; the gun had no connection to the drugs that were found. My experience will be your best defense in fighting these charges.