Gun Crimes

Although the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution affords citizens the right to bear arms, the state, for public safety purposes, restricts WHO may use, possess, or exchange them, HOW or in what manner they are used, and WHERE people can possess them. Louisiana punishes violations of these restrictions harshly, even though in many instances a person is unaware of these restrictions.

Furthermore, possessing a weapon while committing certain other felonies can greatly increase the penalty for that charge and may result in mandatory prison time, regardless of how minor the underlying crime was. What would most likely have been a probated sentence, or even pretrial diversion, can result in hard labor and the loss of one's freedom just because of the presence of a firearm.


You need to know whether you are in the class of people that can’t possess that hunting rifle personal safety gun in your home. If you are legally restricted from owning or possessing the gun, you need to know for how long that restriction will last.


Even citizens who can legally possess a firearm need to know what you can and can’t do with it. You may not have known there were people in the street when you fired a shot into the air, that your hunting partner who borrowed a gun or ammo has a conviction that prevents them from possessing a gun, or that you can’t hide it in your pocket.


It is also important to know where you can bring your legally-owned and possessed gun. Bringing a gun to prohibited locations and events can bring about serious consequences and a criminal conviction. Guns are prohibited at schools, campuses, parks, and parades. Having a gun in your backpack at school or on the bus, or in your pocket at a football game are serious gun violations.

If you find yourself in a situation involving a weapon, you need a dedicated, hard-working criminal defense attorney to understand all the elements of these charges and know how to best attack the state’s case. I will examine and uncover all the facts and defenses to these weapons charges and be prepared to be your best defense.


• Felon in possession of a Firearm
• Illegal Use of Weapons
• Illegal Discharge of a Weapon
• Illegal Carrying of a Weapon
• Carrying Concealed Weapon by a Felon
• Illegally Supplying a Felon with a Firearm
• Illegally Supplying a Felon with Ammunition
• Use of Firearm in Commission of a Crime
• Illegally Carrying a Firearm in a Firearm Free Zone
• Illegally Carrying a Firearm at a School or School Function
• Reckless Discharge of a Firearm at a Parade or Demonstration
• Illegal Possession of Body Armor • Trafficking Firearms
• Possession of or Dealing in Firearms with Obliterated Number or Mark
• Possession of Firearm on Premises of Alcoholic Beverage Outlet
• Possession by Person on felony probation
• Possession by Person on probation or domestic abuse-related crime
• Possession by Person who has protective order against them