Drug Crimes

Drug offenses can range from simple misdemeanor possession of marijuana or paraphernalia to murder when distributed to a person who overdoses and dies. Under Louisiana and federal law, illegal drugs are divided into five schedules: I through V. The drug’s placement in a schedule is based upon the substance’s potential for abuse, and whether there is an accepted medical use. Heroin, Morphine, MDMA, and LSD are common Schedule I drugs. Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Fentanyl, Hydrocodone, and most prescription opioids are Schedule II controlled substances. Penalties for drug possession are determined largely by the kind and amount of drugs involved. If you are charged with selling or distribution, or possession with intent to sell or distribute, the possible consequences become even more dire, with a prison sentence in some cases of up to thirty (30) years. As with most crimes, the penalties increase for second and subsequent convictions. Sentences range from probation to many years in prison.

Someone who has a substance addiction and got caught with a piece of methamphetamine and a pipe has little in common with the high-volume dealer, cartel, or gang trafficker, except for the presence of a controlled substance. It would be unfair and a miscarriage of justice to treat these two individuals the same. A good defense attorney needs to know and compassionately understand the extent of someone's addiction. She needs to locate the substance abuse resources that give them the best chance for success. She needs to be willing to have the honest conversation with them about how the drugs are ruining their life as well as the lives of those who love them. I will use all of my training and experience to turn your arrest into an opportunity for healing for you, to ultimately overcome the chains of addiction.

I was a prosecutor for many years. In the early 90s, I was the prosecutor on the team of court professionals including judges and a public defender who created and implemented the first Drug Court in Lafayette Parish. I created the name F.I.S.T., which stands for Focused Intervention through Sanctions and Treatment, because our main goal was to use that drug arrest as an opportunity to intervene in a life of addiction and pull them out with intensive help through substance abuse treatment and constant court support. Today the Drug Court continues to flourish and has helped thousands of individuals overcome their addiction, giving them a new life and, in some cases, saving their life. In addition to understanding the hard reality of addiction, a good defense attorney is always aggressively examining the conduct of the police to determine if the drugs were seized legally or the result of an unreasonable search and seizure, whether your right to remain silent was violated, whether your right to an attorney was violated, and whether law enforcement violated their own policy, the law, or your rights in any other manner.

I was the head drug trial prosecutor in Lafayette and Iberia parishes. In addition to being the gatekeeper for Drug Court in both parishes, I screened thousands of drug cases and tried and won hundreds of motions that attacked the state's evidence and the police officers' conduct. I refused and dismissed hundreds of charges when I determined that the actions of the police violated the defendant’s rights. I want to use this experience now for good, for you, to help you fight your drug charge. I know the police, and I know when they mess up. I’m on your side now, and I will meticulously investigate and examine each and every action of law enforcement, I will file the necessary motions where there is misconduct, and I will aggressively advocate for your rights in court. I will also recognize when the police did nothing wrong and have not violated your rights. In these cases, I will forcefully and strategically negotiate with the prosecution. I will know and expose the weaknesses in the evidence that create reasonable doubt, and will use it as leverage to fight for a dismissal, reduced charge, or lesser sentence.

At your trial, if a trial is in your best interest, I will know the state's strategy, as well as their weaknesses. I have the experience, legal knowledge, and skill to convince the judge or jury of all the ways that the state did not prove each and every element beyond a reasonable doubt. I know the drug laws and the system, and I will be your best fight against your drug charge.