Violent Crimes

Crimes of violence such as murder, rape, kidnapping, and robbery are tragedies. Not only for the victims and their families. For you or someone close to you accused of a crime of violence, it’s a devastating start to a process that could ultimately take away your freedom for many, many years, or even forever. A judge may not set your bond at all or set it unjustly high. You need an aggressive attorney fighting for you and your rights from the moment you are arrested or accused. If you can even make the high bond, people may not hire you, which can make it difficult to obtain necessities like food and housing for you and your family. Even more, you have to suffer the public outcry that is present for many of these crimes and forever live with the accompanying psychological effects. Years of your life are at risk with a violent offense charge. You need an experienced criminal trial attorney with the time and energy to comb through your case to explore all possible defenses and develop the best strategies for attacking the state’s case in court.

Crimes of violence like murder, robbery, kidnapping, and rape have different degrees of severity of the crime depending on whether certain aggravating factors are present. You need to fully understand which degree of the crime you are charged with and what elements make up the charge. Often, the state cannot prove a critical element beyond a reasonable doubt, and therefore your case should either be dismissed or reduced to one of the lesser charges. An experienced criminal trial attorney will know what elements are weak and prepare a strategy to persuasively attack the state's proof.

Not only do you need a criminal defense attorney who fully understands the crime you are charged with and the elements necessary to convict you and who can prepare a strategic and forceful defense, but your attorney should be ready to fight for you if you are sentenced to prison. Whether through a negotiated plea or guilty verdict, your criminal defense attorney should know the DOC parole and good time laws relating to how prison time for violent crime convictions is calculated, and be ready to advocate for a specific facility or an available specialized program within the Department of Correction where you can receive rehabilitation services and job training.

I will put to use the skills I developed as a felony prosecutor and my extensive experience in handling violent felonies to negotiate with the state for a dismissal, reduction in the charge, or a reduction in your prison or parish time. I will always advocate for rehabilitative options.

If a trial is in your best interest, I will be ready, aggressive, and persuasive. Throughout my representation, I will never forget that a person's life and future depend on how their crime of violence is defended.

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