Gun Crimes--Probation

If you are on probation, you will sign conditions of probation. One condition is that you cannot possess a firearm while on probation. If you are caught with a weapon, the court can:

'"(5) Order that the probation be revoked. In the event of revocation, the defendant shall serve the sentence suspended, with or without credit for the time served on probation at the discretion of the court. If the imposition of sentence was suspended, the defendant shall serve the sentence imposed by the court at the revocation hearing." LA CCRP Art. 900 Violation hearing; sanctions (Louisiana Code of Criminal Procedure (2019 Edition))

Possessing a firearm is not a “technical violation” in which the court is required to impose graduated sanctions instead of automatic revocation. Therefore, if you are on probation and found in possession of a gun, your likely punishment is revocation of your probation.

Call Janet M. Perrodin with PERRODIN LAW, LLC for a free evaluation if you are charged with a gun crime.